Cheat Sheet for SQL Queries and Commands

Are you new to SQL and want to learn the basics of querying a database? Or are you a seasoned SQL developer looking for a quick reference guide to essential SQL commands? Look no further! This cheat sheet is your ultimate guide to SQL queries and commands.

Introduction: What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a programming language used to manage and manipulate data stored in relational databases. SQL is a standard language for accessing and managing databases, making it an essential tool for software developers, data analysts, and database administrators.

SQL operates on a set-based model, meaning it manipulates data in tables and records. It allows users to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data from a database.


The SELECT statement is the foundation of any SQL query, and it is used to select specific data from a table. The FROM keyword is used to specify the table or tables from which to retrieve data. The WHERE clause is used to filter data based on one or more criteria.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

For example, to retrieve all the records from a table called "customers" where the country is "USA," the SQL query would look like this:

FROM customers
WHERE country = 'USA';

Filtering Using Operators: LIKE, IN, BETWEEN

In addition to the standard comparison operators, SQL also provides several other operators that can be used for filtering. The LIKE operator is used to search for a pattern within a column, while the IN operator is used to match any value in a specified list.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column LIKE pattern;

For example, to retrieve all the records from a table called "orders" where the order date is between January 1, 2021, and March 31, 2021, the SQL query would look like this:

FROM orders
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-03-31';

Aggregating Data: SUM, COUNT, AVG

SQL provides several functions for aggregating data, such as SUM, COUNT, and AVG. These functions allow users to summarize or group data based on certain criteria.

SELECT aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

For example, to retrieve the total amount of all orders from a table called "orders," the SQL query would look like this:

SELECT SUM(amount) 
FROM orders;


One of the powerful features of SQL is its ability to join tables, which enables users to combine data from multiple tables into a single, more comprehensive dataset. SQL provides several join types, such as INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.column = table2.column;

For example, to retrieve all the order details, including product name and unit price, from a table called "orders" and a table called "products," the SQL query would look like this:

SELECT order_details.*, products.product_name, products.unit_price
FROM orders
INNER JOIN order_details
ON orders.order_id = order_details.order_id
INNER JOIN products
ON order_details.product_id = products.product_id;

Ordering Results: ORDER BY, ASC, DESC

SQL allows users to sort query results using the ORDER BY clause. The default sorting order is ascending, but users can specify descending order using the DESC keyword.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1 ASC|DESC, column2 ASC|DESC, ...;

For example, to retrieve all the products from a table called "products," ordered by unit price in descending order, the SQL query would look like this:

FROM products
ORDER BY unit_price DESC;

Conclusion: Mastering SQL with this Cheat Sheet

SQL is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating data, and this cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for essential SQL commands and queries. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned SQL developer, these commands and queries will help you retrieve, insert, update, and delete data from a database with ease. Happy querying!

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